Useful Power Automate Expressions and Tips

Wanted to provide a few Power Automate tips and tricks when using expressions and also when using Dataverse Connections.

Replace semi-colons with commas 

Useful when working with Choice Fields

replace(outputs('Get_a_row_from_Dataverse Table')?['body/ChoiceField'],';',',')


If field is empty, show NA

Useful when populating an email/document with values and you don't want the fields to have blank values.

if(empty(outputs('Get_a_row_from_Dataverse Table')?['body/ChoiceField']),'N/A',outputs('body/ChoiceField'])


If a boolean value is true, show YES

Useful for making the wording inside emails/documents make more sense to a human!

if(outputs('Get_a_row_from_Dataverse Table')?['body/BooleanField'],'Yes','No')


If a boolean is true

different method for certain scenarios

if(equals(outputs('Get_a_row_from_Dataverse Table')?['body/BooleanField'],true),'Yes','No')


How to get values from CHOICE fields in dataverse

without having to use multiple action steps to 'get row via ID, etc, etc'

outputs('Get_a_row_from_Dataverse Table')?['body/prefix_choicefieldname@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue']

An AI artists impression of coding :'D


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