SharePoint 2013 - Responsive Design

       Just a quick note to say if you haven't heard of it already, then you should check out this solution on CodePlex that is absolutely awesome:

What it contains:
- Responsive resizeable Master Pages & Page Layouts for SharePoint 2013 that work with Twitter's Bootstrap CSS.
- Responsive resizeable Master Pages & Pages Layouts for SharePoint 2013 that work with Zurb's Foundation CSS.

I've tried both briefly but so far prefer the Bootstrap version for the font types and colours.  Although I most of us will be making modifications to suit the clients that we are working with, they are a great starting point to Responsive Design for SharePoint that have been designed very well.

If you don't have time to build your own solution from scratch, this is the perfect starting point to build on top of.  Congratulations and thank you to all who have worked on the project so far!

More to come...


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