Keep up to date on the latest Power Platform Updates

Want a morning news feed focussed on Power Platform updates, without getting bogged down with all the various other updates Microsoft send out?

Wait no more.  Presenting, the MS Teams channel with Power Updates.


All you need is:
  • RSS URLs to each of Microsoft's Power Platform Blogs (provided below)
  • A MS Teams Channel to post to
  • 5 Flows (I promise, it's easier than it sounds)



Build a solution to store your flows together.  You need one flow for each RSS flow.

Flow x 5

Each Flow only has two steps!

Steps expanded:

The RSS Feed URL's:
  • Power Apps:
  • Flow:
  • Power BI:
  • Power Pages:
  • Power Virtual Agents:

Adaptive Card code

The hardest part is the Adaptive Card code, you can build a customised card yourself here: 

OR just use this code (I've bolded the URL where you can update the background image, and also URL of the Power Platform Icons used - I may have taken the liberty of pointing to some public icon locations!  Because storing in SharePoint wasn't working): 


    "$schema": "",

    "type": "AdaptiveCard",

    "version": "1.4",

    "speak": "Nothing to see here",

    "backgroundImage": {

        "url": ""


    "body": [


            "type": "ColumnSet",

            "columns": [


                    "type": "Column",

                    "width": 35,

                    "items": [


                            "type": "Image",

                            "url": ""





                    "type": "Column",

                    "width": 65,

                    "items": [


                            "type": "TextBlock",

                            "text": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/title']}",

                            "weight": "Bolder",

                            "size": "ExtraLarge",

                            "wrap": true,

                            "color": "Dark"



                            "type": "TextBlock",

                            "text": " ",

                            "size": "Medium",

                            "wrap": true



                            "type": "TextBlock",

                            "text": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/summary']}",

                            "size": "Medium",

                            "spacing": "None",

                            "wrap": true,

                            "color": "Dark"







    "actions": [


            "type": "Action.OpenUrl",

            "title": "View Blog Post",

            "url": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/primaryLink']}",

            "style": "positive"




Two steps too hard?  No worries, here's a copy of the solution: 


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