Office 365 - SharePoint Online: Run a Report to List Your SharePoint Service Administrators

I've begun setting up the governance model for SharePoint Online and was working out the best way to ensure when I give someone SharePoint Administration Access that they automatically have full access to administer every Site Collection.

My method is to use the 'SharePoint Service Administrator' Group.  This is the group that you are added to when your O365 User Account is assigned the 'SharePoint Administrator' Role.

My reasoning is that way when a staff member joins the team you only need to get them added to one spot and they are good to get on with the work.

Occasionally you will want to check that the right staff have access.  How do you report on who is a member of that group!?  I searched high and low to no avail.  When that fails, there's only one choice...  Powershell.

Here's the script you need to run in order to bring back a list of every user that has been given SharePoint Adminstrator Access:

#Connection to Office 365
$msolcred = get-credential
connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred

#Bring back a list of all users that are a member of the SharePoint Service Administrator Role
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId (Get-MsolRole -RoleName “SharePoint Service Administrator”).ObjectId | ft –AutoSize

That's it!

Do you happen to know of a better way?  Let me know.

Credit where it's due
Brian Laws for providing the Powershell Script: 


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