MS Ignite - Certification 101 - Find the Path (EXAM111)

About The Session: Covered the Microsoft certification roadmap.  Discussed Microsoft Academy for kids, educators and trainers.  Spent most of an hour going through how to pass Microsoft exams and what type of questions you can expect.  A discussion around what course material you need to study to pass each exam.

All certification are now solutions focused due to the knowledge required to implement systems successfully.

Went about 25 minutes overtime.

My Musings: The best thing about this session was seeing the official Microsoft certification roadmap, provided below:

The rest of the session was not for me.  I thought that 'Find the Path' was going to be all about explaining in detail what path of certification you might like to take and what you can expect.  However it was mainly about how to pass an exam if you're looking to certify and where you can find resources online to help with your study.

Funny things to mention:
  • MCSE Exams - You have to re-certify every 2-3 years.  Who's gonna do that!  If you're that keen you better sign up to Braindumps.
  • Courses & Exams - 20688 lines up with 70688.  But why the extra numbers in front in the first place!!!  Surely you don't have over 1000 courses!
  • Three exams for most MSCA's - some of the exams xover that cover things from all.  Sounds stupid and confusing.  Just done to make cash.
  • Exams with time limits - sounds like you do not get enough time to read which is silly as it doesn't replicate a realistic setting.  Have heaps of time to find an answer in real life situation and you have Bing/Google at your fingertips.
Overall Rating: 3/5

Reasoning:  The speaker was very clear and concise.  The material was ok for people who haven't done any research of their own on getting certified.  However for me the information was quite high level and commonsensical.  I also lowered the overall rating as I believe the heading of the session was a bit misleading.  However, now I look at the heading again, it does say 101, so maybe I shouldn't have been so suprised!


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