SharePoint - Field type [FieldName] is not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete this field.

Sorry, something went wrong
Field type [FieldName]  is not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete this field.  

This is caused when a FieldType has been created usually via a custom solution (WSP), and has been used somewhere, then uninstalled while still being used somewhere on the Site Collection.  This error message is similar on all versions of SharePoint 2007/2010/2013.

Usually you will have one or more Site Columns that are using the FieldType, and possibly one or more Content Types that are using that Site Column, and then most likely one or more Lists/Librarires using the Site Columns or Site Content Types.

If you want to remove the Field Type Completely, steps to resolve are as follows:

  • Try to delete the Site Column or Content Type from every list it is being used on.  If you can't delete the Content Type from the list, you will have to delete the list.
  • Delete the Content Types using the Site Column (Site Actions > Site Settings > Site Content Types)
  • Delete the Site Column (Site Actions > Site Settings > Site Columns)
I was able to get up to the last point but still couldn't delete the Site Column as it was causing an error just trying to navigate to it.  In that case, the following Powershell script can be ran to remove the Site column.

$site = Get-SPWeb http://rootweb
$column = $site.Fields["Field Type Title"]

Powershell grabbed and modified from here, Thanks! 


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