
Showing posts from April, 2012

SharePoint 2010 - Access denied when trying to edit a page

The other day a few users were complaining that they were unable unable to edit pages on a site that they had Contribute Access to. After many tries at checking everything was published, I found this blog from Harry Chen: Turns out, that read access had been removed (unsure how!) from the site collections Master Page & Page Layout gallery.  Following Harry's instructions I was able to add the access back to the library and the issue was resolved. Here's how: Go to Site Actions –> Site Settings -> Master pages and page layouts -> “Library” tab from ribbon -> “Library Permissions” button at the top, right -> Add the users or group to permissions here with at least Read access enabled. Now, owner groups will have the permission to edit the pages.

SharePoint 2010 - "XsltListViewWebPart" Web Part appears to be causing a problem

Here's an error message I received a few weeks back from a user who was having trouble accessing a page: Strange... Anyhow, my first thought was - Faulty Web Part - so made my way to SharePoint Designer to fix/remove the web part from the page, only to find that I was unable to connect to any sites on the entire Web Application! Here's the Error I was receiving when trying to access SharePoint Designer: "An error occurred while trying to fetch data from your SharePoint site. Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" Now I'm thinking 'oh shit..' well not to worry, all I needed to do was a simple IISRESET and the issue was resolved.

SharePoint 2010 - Browser Compatability

Hi All,                 Our company is in the process of creating multiple websites for the internet on SharePoint.  Although we are still in the early stages, I thought you may be interested in this breakdown of Browser Compatibility for SharePoint.  This is just a basic quick-test, on our company Intranet, but once we delve further into the project I will give updates via this blog: Basically, all 32-bit versions of browsers are supported (meaning they will help you if you're having issues,) by Microsoft except Safari, and the 64-bit version of Safari is supported with ‘limitations’.  See the info and Matrix here: ( ). The issue is when ActiveX or Silverlight comes into play, where some browsers either do not use ActiveX/Silverlight or render it differently, or do not render it at all. So, best way to see how they work is to test, so here’s some in...