Use InfoPath 2010 to Query an Oracle Database via a Custom Web Service in SharePoint 2010
Wow that's a long heading... Let me explain how this is done, and why this path was chosen out of all the options. THE OPTIONS Still to come... SETTING UP There's quite a few large steps to get this done, so I'll split it into the following sections, ensuring we test along the way to make sure we haven't missed a step: Install & Configure Oracle Client on Web Server Create custom Web Service in Visual Studio Deploy Web Service to IIS Build InfoPath Form Configure InfoPath Services Deploy InfoPath Form to SharePoint Environment Install & Configure Oracle Client on Web Server Ask your Oracle DBA what version of Oracle the database is running on. Navigate here and download the corresponding Client (for this excercise get the 32-bit version if its an option): Copy to the IIS Server (Web Front End) Extract and install, here's the settings I used for the i...