
Using GenAI to Clean Up Your Power App Naming Conventions

What Providing you, a Power App developer, with the steps to quickly apply theming and naming conventions to all fields within your app, by utilising any GenAI tool. Why After a swift session of adding labels and text boxes and such to your app, and nicely theming one, but then having to apply all the values to other fields, your app probably looks something like this.   At this point, if you are like me, your next steps are: clean up field names re-order tree-view from top to bottom ensure theming matches throughout Depending on the complexity of the app, doing a good job of this could take a whole day. How Add all your fields to your app Theme one perfectly 'View Code' on the Screen and Copy the YAML to Notepad   Open up your preferred GenAI tool - for this exercise I'm using   Enter the following Prompt, before pasting in the code you copied from step 3: I've just built a Power App, but need your help with the following: 1. Naming fields approp...

Power Apps - Check Group Membership For Groups With > 1,000 Members

What There are occasions when it is useful to check inside a Canvas App whether the logged-in user is a member of a specific Security Group. This allows you to implement hide/show functionality for areas of the application that you may only want users/administrators to see. Why The standard method I've used in the past to implement this 'group membership' check is to call the following Connector/Function: Office365Groups.ListGroupMembers() Using this connector, you would first get a list of All the members of a specific security group, then you would do a Filter on that collection to check if the logged in user is one of the Members. However!  That connector only works when group membership is less than 1,000 people, if your group has more than 1,000 members, then there's a chance the app will come a cropper for some users. So below we're going to show you how to do the same check by using MS Graph API calls that all users have access to. How  Using a Graph API cal...

Power Automate - Duplicating Calendars across multiple accounts

I am constantly working across multiple clients with multiple accounts and calendars.  One time consumer is that each of the clients can't see my calendar, so we double book and discuss back and forth when each person is free. To avoid this time loss, I've whipped up a simple workflow that copies all my calendar invites from my main account to my other accounts. Making sure to keep them 'Private' so I don't accidentally open up all my discussions across multiple companies!

Microsoft Teams, Bose QC 35 ii Headphones & a separate microphone

Issue: Headphones would not play sound when I had a different microphone selected in Teams:   How to fix:  Disable this property on your headphones. Thanks to this post:

How to Copy/Duplicate a Table and Columns in a Dataverse Environment

What If you need to do either of these things, then this article is for you: Create a copy of a table in the same environment as the original table Create a copy of a table but want a different prefix against custom column names Why In most circumstances, if you need to duplicate a dataverse table, I would suggest to bundle it inside a solution, and migrate the solution to another environment.   However, in the scenario where you need the duplicate table to be inside the same environment, here's a quick method that requires no manual creation of columns! How Short answer : Install  XRMToolBox , inside XRMToolBox, install and utilise the Clone Field Definitions Plugin  from the Tool Library. Pre-Tasks In order to clone a table with a new PREFIX value for the columns you first need to do the following: Create a new PUBLISHER with the new prefix you would like Create a new TABLE where you will be cloning all the fields. Tasks Download & Install  XRMToolBox On t...

Free Responsive Power App Template w/ Side Navigation

I wanted a simple template for building out responsive canvas apps with a side navigation so here it is, free to use for everyone: Find here: Solution Name:  Large/Extra Large screens Medium Screens Small Screens / Phones

SVG Icons for Power Apps - Find any icon you'll ever need

Reference Material How to put SVG code in an image object: Figma - Microsoft Office Icons: Figma - 1600 free icons: Figma - Adobe Icons:   Steps Step 1: Search figma for icons (some examples above) Step 2: Copy icon as SVG Step 3: Paste SVG code in notepad and Replace all " with ' Step 4: Paste into image object in Canvas app "data:image/svg+xml;utf8, "&EncodeUrl(" SVG CODE YOU ADJUSTED IN NOTEPAD ")