Using GenAI to Clean Up Your Power App Naming Conventions

What Providing you, a Power App developer, with the steps to quickly apply theming and naming conventions to all fields within your app, by utilising any GenAI tool. Why After a swift session of adding labels and text boxes and such to your app, and nicely theming one, but then having to apply all the values to other fields, your app probably looks something like this. At this point, if you are like me, your next steps are: clean up field names re-order tree-view from top to bottom ensure theming matches throughout Depending on the complexity of the app, doing a good job of this could take a whole day. How Add all your fields to your app Theme one perfectly 'View Code' on the Screen and Copy the YAML to Notepad Open up your preferred GenAI tool - for this exercise I'm using Enter the following Prompt, before pasting in the code you copied from step 3: I've just built a Power App, but need your help with the following: 1. Naming fields approp...