Freenas - Setting up the Transmission Plugin on Freenas with Guest Permissions

Follow the guide here by Supa, there's not much to it:

For the linux noobs like myself, these are the two steps you need to complete in order to set up Transmission so that any files it downloads are read/writeable by all users.

  • Go to your jails tab again and enter into the Transmission Command-Line Shell:
  • Type: edit /usr/pbi/transmission-amd64/etc/transmission/home/settings.json and just change the field unmask to "unmask = 0". Once finished, hit esc, leave, and save the changes.
If your settings.json file is not located there you will need to go back to Freenas and click on Plugins > Transmission on the sidebar and review the location of configuration directory.  Then you can input that into the Command Line.

On newer versions of Transmission the setting Unmask has been renamed to Umask.


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